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Adult Ministry Opportunities 


Join us!

If you have questions about Adult Ministry, please contact the
Adult Ministry Director
Janell Reich


The purpose of Adult/Senior Ministry is to bring senior and other adults within and outside the Lord of Life congregation into a deeper fellowship with God and one another through opportunities for learning,
serving and celebrating. Kids and families are also welcome at events whenever their schedule allows.


Time for Talents

The 1st Friday of each month at 10 AM, we enjoy art, craft and
needlework projects that are seasonally themed. Supplies are provided. Or bring your own project! Friends are always welcomed!

Book Club

Lively discussions on a variety of genre. Each month we choose a book and gather the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1 PM.

Day Trips

Local sites of interest are planned a few times a year. Our last two were to Wheaton Arts and Smithville Mansion Christmas Tea and Tour. Looking forward to a tour of the Phillies’ stadium this year
as our church musician just got a job to lead tours there!

Lunch Bunch

Shares a meal and fellowship at local restaurants the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:30 PM The location changes each month.

Bible Study

Meets weekly, Wednesdays 10 AM and 7 PM (call to confirm). We have approximately 6 different topics during the year, including special Christmas and Lenten studies with soup suppers. This group takes a break in the summer.

Mens/Womens Groups

Groups geared toward men and women. These groups enjoy social outings, service projects and devotional time together throughout the year.

Devotion and Walk

Meets at local parks for a hike and brief time of devotion. It is held the last Tuesday of
each month. Time depends on the temperature. This activity is weather dependent.

PEP-People Enjoying People

Luncheons are held the 3rd Thursday of the month at noon in Fellowship Hall. Each month is a different theme. Sometimes we “party” and sometimes we have speakers.

Mens Weekly Breakfast

Meets weekly at 8 AM at Evergreen Dairy Bar.

Helping Hands

Makes close to 200 sandwiches the last Wednesday of each month at 9 AM. Sandwiches and collected canned goods, clothes and household supplies benefit the folks served by Christian Caring Center, Browns Mills.

Confirmation Angels

Adult members are matched with Confirmation students. They anonymously support the students through letters and small gifts. At the end of Confirmation, there is a reveal party for students and angels to meet.

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