Youth and Family
Lets be honest, no matter what season of parenting you are in they all come with their own joys and challenges. We desire to connect parents and families with the hope that comes through community. We welcome you to join us as we seek the Lord together in friendship and fellowship!
Contact Breanne Tomlinson with questions!
Children, Youth and Family Director
Youth Group
Junior and Senior High youth group opportunities.
Sundays - Bible, Faith and Friends
Your children are especially welcome to join us during the 9:30 AM service for age appropriate lessons to help deepen their understanding of the Bible. Helping our little ones grow spiritually through fun and friendship. Ages 3 yrs-4th grade.
Special Events
Play dates, Trunk or Treat, Vacation Bible School and more!! We offer fun filled activities throughout the year to help connect families and enjoy precious memories together.
Baptism, Communion & Confirmation
If you are interested in having your children participate in Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation please reach out to our church office and let us know. We would love to connect with you and your family.
LoL has a nursery stocked with toys for you to utilize during services if your young children need a some play time. Every 3rd Sunday the Nursery is staffed during the 10am service for your convenience.