Meet The Team
Barry Scott
Pastor Scott became Interim Pastor at Lord of Life in January 2024. Prior to that , in 2006, he was approached to be the Sr. Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Marysville OH, and served 15 years until he retired in May of 2021. He served as Interim Pastor at Epiphany Lutheran Church, Dayton on a part time basis, mentoring the new Sr. Pastor, leading weekly worship at one of the two church sites, and providing pastoral care and visitation. In Marysville he was a founding member of the ministerial association and The Hope Center providing social services to the community, and 2nd Chances Thrift store which supports Trinity School and The Hope Center. Pastor Scott served 4 years on the board of Families Matter, a juvenile drug diversion program for the County Court judge.
Adult Senior Ministry Director
Janell Reich
Janell Reich is Director of Adult and Senior Ministry. She, her husband Bill and their two adult sons,
Brett and Tyler, have been members of Lord of Life since 1998. She has been involved in many aspects
of LOL over the years such as Mom’s Play Group, Bible Study, Church Council, numerous service projects,
Vacation Bible School, Choir, Bells and Praise Team.
Janell was raised in the Pennsylvania Dutch country, one of 4 sisters. She received her degree in
Occupational Therapy at Quinnipiac College and practiced in all types of settings including early
intervention and special education, psychiatry, and rehabilitation. She and Bill met while singing in the
choir at Prince of Peace, Marlton. Her interests include spending time with family, traveling, reading,
art, cooking, walking, gardening, swimming, kayaking, and puzzles.
Serving the adults at Lord of Life is her joyful ministry. It has allowed her to share her God-given talents
and varied interests with the warm and supportive members and friends of our congregation. She sees
it as a privilege to learn, serve and celebrate with those at LOL.
Worship and Music Director
Rick Krause
Rick Krause playing the Saturday service at Lord of Life in 2000 and has led Sunday worship since 2011. Rick's dad was a Lutheran pastor, and he grew up singing in the Children's Choir while also learning to play the piano and organ. In high school, he accompanied his school choir, sang bass, and was selected to the All-South Jersey Chorus (3 years). At Lord of Life, Rick works with Pastor and members of the Worship & Music Committee to oversee all aspects of our Worship and Music Ministry. He plans worship services, leads the New Life Choir and Praise Team, accompanies the Celebration Ringers, leads music with our youth & at VBS, and works with soloists and instrumentalists throughout the year.
Rick's involvement with the church has been in a variety of roles. In other ELCA congregations, he has been a member of Church Council (responsible for Christian Education), served as superintendent of Sunday School, and been on a Pastoral Call Committee. As a member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, Rick has been a member of the ELCA National Assembly Choir, New Jersey Synod Bishop's Installation Choir, organist for various clergy ordinations and installations, and a Renewing Worship participant.
Upon graduation from college, he became a Social Studies teacher. He is married to Kim and they have four children (Becky, Caroline, Emily, & Drew).