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There are so many ways to give back at LoL. We welcome and encourage you to find a spot that fits your interest! See below for some ongoing opportunities. 


Ongoing Collection

The Christian Caring Center


Bridge Of Peace


Please drop off your items for both the Christian Caring Center and Bridge Of Peace into the appropriate shopping cart located in the church entry hallway. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Seasonal Projects: Be on the lookout for our seasonal collections and events which take place throughout the year.


We collect school supplies for students each fall,
Christmas gifts for Christian Caring Center each December, and book collections to benefit children and
incarcerated people. We have also made gifts, such as fidget blankets and cards, for people in care facilities who
are clients of Lutheran Social Ministry.


Currently, we have a box in the entryway to collect athletic shoes for MORE (Modular Organic Regenerative Environments) who ship the shoes to needy areas and
fund projects that improve the environment. 

Helping Hands Ministry

Helping Hands is a monthly ministry to make sandwiches for the homeless served by Christian Caring Center. It meets the last Wednesday of each month. We form an assembly line and make over 200 sandwiches in an hour. Jobs are easy – putting meat and cheese on a roll, placing sandwiches in a baggie, counting the sandwiches, and putting them in a grocery bag. Everyone gets a small, easy task and a lot gets done quickly while we share some time together. We keep everyone safe by wearing gloves and masks, spacing ourselves, and venting the room. All are invited to join us! If you have any questions, please contact Janell Reich.

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Songs of Joy Music Ministry

The first Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM, Lord Of Life presents a program of songs and scriptures to the Wiley residents in Marlton. If you would like to participate by either singing or reading in any of these presentations, please contact Janell Reich.

Soup Ministry 

A way of supporting our friends. You are invited to place a homemade frozen meal or soup in a deli container in the freezer in the church kitchen. The food is distributed to those who are in need.


Church Worship Service Volunteer

It takes many volunteers to make a Sunday service go smoothly. Greeters, AV, Ushers, Readers, Alter Guild and Singers...just to name a few! We would love to train and support you as you help serve on Sunday!

Property Care Volunteer

We could always use volunteers that would like to donate their time for small and large projects at our church. We especially need seasonal volunteers for things like spring painting and summer lawn maintenance.  Anyone interested in volunteering their time can contact the volunteer Property Care Coordinator, Keith Lerner, by email at

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